Wednesday, March 12, 2014

7 More Conferences Tipped Off Today, But Only 1 Championship Game

75% of the conference tournaments are in progress or complete, and by tomorrow 100% of the conference tournaments will be in progress or complete.  The next 3 days are typically the busiest days in terms of racking up losses in this pool and we'll have a clearer picture of the standings by Saturday morning.

Games started at noon today with Notre Dame vs. Wake Forest, and will not end until around midnight tonight with Washington State vs. Stanford.  Every game being played today, and over the next 4 days, will be conference tournament games.

The only Championship game today was in the Patriot League, which resulted in a Boston University loss against American University.  No bonus points awarded for this one, however it did have impacts to the standings.

For access to the current excel standings document, use this link.  The standings are now updated with most of tonight's action and below is a Top 10 snapshot.

As the standings begin to shape up, and since we only have 4 days left, below is a reminder of the tie breaker process that determines our final standings:
  • Overall Points
  • Most Wins
  • Least Amount of Losses
  • Accuracy %
  • Closest to Big 10 Championship Combined Score

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