Friday, March 14, 2014

Another Bloodbath of Losses, but we have 18 Championships in the Next 2 Days!

If you are marked as unpaid on the spreadsheet, please send in money so I can pay out the winners on Sunday.

Again, no conference championship games were played today, so today was another day of everyone racking up losses.

We had some pretty big upsets and popular pool teams lose today that contributed to losses:
  • St. Louis
  • Middle Tennessee
  • North Carolina
  • Norfolk State
  • Kansas
  • Syracuse
  • Southern Miss
  • UC Irvine
  • Texas
  • Northern Colorado
  • Cincinnati
Tomorrow will bring us 13 Conference Championship games played over a span of 12 hours, I will attempt to update the standings throughout the day.

For access to the current excel standings document, use this link.  The standings are now updated with most of tonight's action, and below is the current top 10 snapshot.

As the standings begin to shape up, and since we only have 2 days left, below is a reminder of the tie breaker process that determines our final standings:
  • Overall Points
  • Most Wins
  • Least Amount of Losses
  • Accuracy %
  • Closest to Big 10 Championship Combined Score


  1. The 1st update of the day is now posted (Albany, Tulsa, and Florida)

  2. The 2nd update of the day is now posted (Georgia, Wisconsin, Western Kentucky, UCLA, Louisville, New Mexico, NC Central, and Western Michigan)
